Intelligent Design
It’s Darwin v. “Design”
Here's an interesting and very controversial topic right now, whether or not to allow the theory of "Intelligent Design" to be taught in the public school curriculum. The stubborn science teachers and liberals that lead the opposition to Intelligent Design being taught make very crazy arguments about how Intelligent Design is a non-scientific theory that is a desperate attempt at religious propaganda, an evil design to adjoin church and state and to brainwash the misunderstood youth to the evil beliefs of Conservatives, because they are just cruel and destructive, and how dare they believe that we are actually "meant to exist!" (I'm so evil aren't I?)
Anyway, tell me what you think about the issue, and post your opinion.
The problem is that everyone sees it as such extremes when it is not. Who knows? If indeed life was designed, for all we know, life's designers could have meant for evolution to take place into to create a variation of species. If I were to design life, that's how I would do it.
It's also sad that almost no one is accepting enough to even mention it as a posibility, that life was created or designed. I for one was lucky to have a Biology teacher that left it open to discussion and explained it in class, allowing us to choose for ourselves, to be influenced by both possibilities, I hope that others can have teachers as good as that, to keep from censuring material that should at least be mentioned and explain the basic principles of Intelligent Design so that any student that would like to learn more may do further research. The job of a teacher, after all, is to provide knowledge and a greater understanding of the wqorld to his/her students.
We recently had this disscussion in my biology class. My teacher finally explained to us why they are not allowing it in schools. There is a HUGE difference between science and religion, science is based on proof, the tangable kind while religion on the other hand is based purely on dogma. Some people believe that the bible is proof because someone recorded it, but in all actuality, there is no real, verified, tangible fool-proof...proof. Don't get me wrong, i'm a christian and a firm believer in God and the Bible, but, until there is verified proof of intelligent design, I think we should leave it out of the schools. Let "them" (the administration) be embarassed 20-70 years from now when someone verifies the bible's teachings. It will be a great day and definitely worth the wait.
PS>I don't want that in schools because I don't want so much homework.
that one up there the one right above me that say's anonomus is another one I wrote, I just forgot to write my's reshea.
Thank You, Reshea
Now that you've given out your first name (luckily not your last), you can just select the box to say your post as reshea from now on. Indeed, your biology teacher may have taught that, but I figure that if a theory disproves another, it should at least be considered for debate, both side of the argument should at least be considered, whether religion or not, after all, if it is basically accepted by all people (atheists are a minority group), then it can be amlost considered as fact, unfortunately, becuase as ong as not enough paople stand up to it, it's accepted as OK, however you could consicer atheism as a religiomn and then, all religious people are being taught other "religions" and ways of beliefs. It's just part of life, after all.
I did some research on this topic for an English paper. Some thing I found interesting was what athiest evolutionists base their beliefs on. Modern Genetics teaches that a change from one organism to another is a slow process. It is interesting that the evolutionists say that the fossil records show that the change was to fast to be caught. Now they are believing in something that can't be seen. How is that different than the theory of creationism?
It's not but what really can anyone do but base it on unseen evidence. When you think about we were not there when what ever happened in the beginning happened. All we can do is speculate.
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