May 1st, 2006- Mayhem, economic chaos, freeways stopped up, panic everywhere, in short, apocalyptic disorder to the United States of America. Such events were planned by illegal immigrants and liberals alike for the near ending of the American Economy with the boycot yesterday. Seems like after the extreme liberal movie "
The Day After Tomorrow," liberals would be at all extremes to
avoid any catastrophes, but here we see a wonderful example of the hypocrisy of the liberal vanguard in deliberately trying to cause a giant economic crash of our nation (As it was, the boycott did little more than close a few Mexican Food resteraunts and
landscaping was a bit slowed.)
So, tell us all about what you think Congress should do about this
issue with criminal invaders; Deport 'em all? Grace Period? Or the proposed blanket
Alright, I do believe that you are under estimating the power of cheap labor and high conections in the various government administrations, AND the more of human sympathy and empathy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone staging a peaceful demonstration; it is protected by our beloved constitution as you may recall.
However people who engage in protests are accepting the fact that they may be prosecuted for their actions. part of protesting means facing up to the consequences. As many people draw similarities between this movement and that of the civil rights movement of the 1960's they cannot forget that arrests were common and even expected. Civil disobedience is still disobedience and must have consequences. But we should not go around shouting that so and so does not have the right to protest at all.
By the way if you do not know who this is then you are in a lot of trouble young man. I will save the rest of my lecture for a post on my own blog.
The Constiution REFERS to America citizens. Not ilegalls who have a problem with being called on it. We are in America ans yes we are one of the better contries, if not the best, but that does not mean we filng open are arms to any one and every one who decides to settle here ilegally. What about the people who came here the right? Is it fair to then that we are catering to those who came here by breaking the but don't even have the decentcy to learn Enghlish? What about those of us who can't speak Spanish and go into a store where mostly every thing is in Spanish? This is our country and we should have the right to go ant were in our country and be able to read the blasted signs! If they like our country that's great but come here theright way. If they want thier country to be better then they should do some thing about it. I mean there is enough of them that they could make a diffrence. We the pepole of the United States of Amaerica need to work on making our counry better. We still have many thing to impove on.
Criminal Invaders? Sounds like you have already decided how you feel Matt. Just a couple of things to ponder though:
1. We are all God's children.
2. Unless you are Apache, Navajo, or other NATIVE American, I guess YOU are a "criminal invader" too... just like me, my family, your family and virtually everybody you and I know. So what we must ask ourselves is why would somebody choose to be an illegal immigrant? The obvious answer is because it's a better life than they could hope for at home. The "problem" will not go away until that changes. As the richest and most powerful country in the world, we have a duty to encourage and help poor neighbors like Mexico. That's what Congress should be pondering. As conditions there improve, there will hopefully be little reason to leave, and maybe even a reason for many to return. For right now though, I can't fault any man for risking his liberty and even his life to feed his family. This is admirable, not criminal. If they're working, we need laws to allow them to stay and pay taxes. If they're not working, we need to find them work or send them home. Now if we could only get our vast numbers of lazy unemployed "citizens" to be willing to work so hard!! Greetings from Mesa, AZ.
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