Thursday, May 25, 2006

"The L-Word"

The "L-Word"

Well, here's yet another screaming rant of "offense" from the left as now, they consider the viewpoints that they claim to uphold to be, in and of itself, an offensive, vulgar and dirty word. They now claim that the term "liberal" is a despicable insult and a derogatory nomenclature for their ideals, despite being the term for centuries. Sounds like a joke, right? Wrong. Says Democrat David Saunders, an outspoken Southern author,
"I'd rather somebody call me an [very bad word] than a [yet another bad word] liberal any time."
I do not feel I need to fill in the blanks for you to undertand how this liberal (or as they now prefer to be called "progressive") feels about being called such a "derogatory" name such as a liberal. The blame of course does not go to their actions that would give their ideals a negative connotation, of course. No, they can't possibly blame themselves- they blame Conservatives for this "despification" of the name they once touted, quoting from Jim Nesbitt, staff writer at the News & Observer:

"The coinage of these terms has been cheapened by the ceaseless din of talk radio and cable television hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, who have popularized the use of "liberal" as a rhetorical brickbat."
I, for one, am apalled with this coming forth and final recognition for the liberals. I am glad to leave the term liberal as one that is still acceptable to use in front of children yet still convey the meaning. I often in my speech use the term "Liberal" as a replacement for common explitaves, in the following fashion:
"You Son of a Liberal!!"
"Uh-oh, the dog made a liberal all over the linoleum...", and more...
With the term "liberal" no longer available for family use, I may just have to switch to using the actual politicians' names themselves!! (Think: "The Dog made a Michael Moore!!")

Post your opinion, or if you have any ideas for other uses for the term "liberal," speak out and tell me what you think!

-MW Politics


At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a long history in our country of actual descriptions becoming less factual, therefore more acceptable to the general public. Some prime examples are the "War" Department becoming the Department of "Defense". Shell Shock becomes Battle Fatigue which evolves into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We don't have "battles" anymore, they are "military operations or engagements". George Carlin had a whole routine on these "soft language euphemisms" used to hide the truth. Toilet paper becomes bathroom tissue, the dump is now a landfill, car crashes are now accidents, trailers are now mobile homes. Deaf people are now hearing impaired. Crippled people were upgraded to handicapped/disabled, then to physically challenged to who knows what now--- handi-abled?? Old people are now Senior Citizens, or just plain Seniors... like they're back in High School!! Constipation is now "occasional irregularity". And thank goodness we no longer DIE, we just "pass away" or "expire". The insurance company will refer to it as negative patient care outcome. And if it's the result of malpractice they'll say it was a therapeutic misadventure. So going from Liberal to Progressive falls perfectly into this national obsession with obfuscating the truth. As George Carlin says: "I'm telling ya, some of this language makes me want to vomit. Well, maybe not vomit... makes me want to engage in an involuntary personal protein spill."


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